Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Anit-Anorexia Model Dies

French Model, Isabelle Caro, who was known for her anti-anorexia ads, has died due to unknown causes at age 28. She passes away in November 2010 but it has only been made public this week. 

Caro suffered from a severe case of anorexia from the age of 13. She claimed that her eating disorder derived from a troubled childhood, as well as feeling the pressures to stay skinny in the modeling world. 
In 2007, Caro was featured in a controversial ad campaign that feathered her naked to show the true horrors and the severity of anorexia. In a response to the ad Caro stated, "I wanted to show, in its raw state, the full horror of anorexia." Cynthia Bulik, director of the UNC Eating Disorders Program at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill released the statement, "I think it is so important that a high-profile death remind us of all of the less high-profile people who are struggling and dying." Isabelle Caro's life was taken at a much too young age, and now more than ever, its important that we understand and recognize the true dangers of anorexia. 
Caro's last years of life were dedicated to building awareness about anorexia via her blog and interviews. Because of her death, the media surrounding it has brought examples of organizations that can help people just like Isabelle Caro to seek help. The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa And Associated Disorders (ANAD), is a non-profit dedicated to the prevention and alleviation of eating disorders since 1976. They have many forms of help, such as a hotline, treatment programs, and volunteer opportunities that will help people like Caro before its too late.  

The Link For ANAD

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